KPMG is a global professional services company providing audit, tax and advisory services. It operates in over 147 countries, with a strong presence in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. The company serves clients across a broad range of industries including financial services, healthcare, consumer and retail, technology, and telecommunications. KPMG is known for its integrity, quality service, and commitment to client satisfaction. It has a highly experienced workforce of professionals who are dedicated to delivering innovative solutions to drive business growth and mitigate risks. The company's services encompass a wide range of areas such as accounting, risk management, financial advisory, and technology consulting. Overall, KPMG is a reputable and respected professional services firm that helps companies solve complex business challenges to achieve sustainable growth. Its global reach, high-performance team, and comprehensive service offerings make it a preferred partner for businesses of all sizes and industries.

KPMG's People

Ts analyst Clarisse Lam