
Unitechange is a company that focuses on promoting social change through innovative technology solutions. They provide a platform that connects individuals, organizations, and businesses to create a positive impact on society. Unitechange enables users to contribute to charitable causes, engage in community service projects, and support initiatives that seek to solve pressing social issues. The company’s mission is to inspire collective action towards making the world a better place. Unitechange uses cutting-edge technology to provide its users with a seamless experience that simplifies the process of giving back. The platform offers features such as donation tracking, volunteer opportunities, and social impact metrics that make it easy for users to see the difference they are making. Unitechange partners with nonprofits and social enterprises to amplify their impact and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need. The company is committed to creating a world where individuals take responsibility for social change, and where everyone has an opportunity to improve their community.

unitechange's People

Co-founder and director Charlie Pinto