Amanda Niu

Amanda Niu

General Partner
Amanda Niu is a founder and crypto enthusiast who currently works at Shine Capital. She is also listed on LinkedIn as the Investment Director at ACX Fund. Amanda has a background in finance and investing, having worked at Savills Investment Management and Harvest Global Investments in the past. She holds a Bachelor's degree in finance from Fudan University and a Master's degree in Real Estate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. On her LinkedIn profile, Amanda describes herself as an "early adopter of Bitcoin and blockchain technology" and is passionate about investing in innovative technologies of the future.
Name Amanda
Last Name Niu
Location Brooklyn, New York
Company Shine Capital
Company Overview Shine Capital is a venture capital firm that was established in 2020. The company specializes in partnering with early-stage entrepreneurs for protocol, network, and company building. The firm appears to value relentlessness, creativity, and persuasion among the entrepreneurs they work with. Beyond this, further information about the company's investment strategy, portfolio, or industry focus is not provided.
Sweet Spot $1,5M (1-5M)
Company Site


General Partner Shine Capital

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