Catherine Muller

Catherine Muller

General Partner
Catherine Muller is a founder and crypto enthusiast who works at Intersection Fintech Ventures. Her LinkedIn profile indicates that she has extensive experience in the financial industry, particularly in venture capital and private equity. She appears to have a strong interest in emerging technologies such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and has spoken at several conferences on these topics. Crunchbase also lists her as a director at a number of financial and tech companies.
Name Catherine
Last Name Muller
Location San Francisco Bay Area
Company Intersection Fintech Ventures
Company Overview Intersection Fintech Ventures is a financial technology (fintech) company that is based in San Francisco, California. The company is focused on developing innovative solutions for the financial services sector, with a particular emphasis on investment management, banking, and payments. Their mission is to revolutionize the way that financial services are delivered, using cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain to drive efficiency and improve customer experience. With a team of experienced fintech professionals, Intersection Fintech Ventures is dedicated to driving growth and innovation in the financial services industry.
Sweet Spot $1,5M (1-5M)
Company Site


General Partner Intersection Fintech Ventures

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