Corey Pigott

Corey Pigott

Corey Pigott is a founder and crypto enthusiast who has worked in various roles in the blockchain industry, including as the Chief Marketing Officer at Halsey Minor's VideoCoin Network. He is also a former senior advisor at TaaS, a blockchain-focused investment fund. Pigott is passionate about innovation and building new technologies that can transform industries. Pigott has experience in brand development, marketing strategy, digital marketing, and blockchain strategy. Pigott is also known for his involvement in blockchain projects like Near Protocol, where he is a strategic advisor. Pigott is active on Twitter and often shares his insights on the latest developments in the industry. According to his profile on Crunchbase, Pigott has a Bachelor's degree in Communications from the University of Kentucky.
Name Corey
Last Name Pigott
Education California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
Location San Francisco Bay Area
Sweet Spot $250K (50K-2M)

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