David Hoffman

David Hoffman

David Hoffman is a prominent figure in the world of cryptocurrency. He is a co-founder of the RealT platform, which is a marketplace for tokenized real estate assets. He is also the host of the "Chain Reaction" podcast, which features interviews with leading figures in the crypto industry. In addition to his work with RealT and his podcast, Hoffman is a well-known commentator on the crypto industry. He writes regularly on Medium and has been featured in publications such as Forbes and CoinDesk. Hoffman is a firm believer in the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, from finance to governance. He is particularly interested in the idea of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), which are organizations that are run entirely on a blockchain and are controlled by their members through smart contracts. Hoffman's work in the crypto industry has earned him a large following on social media, where he shares his insights and engages with others in the community. He is known for his thoughtful analysis, his deep knowledge of the industry, and his passion for the potential of blockchain technology to change the world.
Name David
Last Name Hoffman
Location Seattle, Washington
Sweet Spot $25K (5K-50K)

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