Diogo Monica

Diogo Monica

Diogo Monica is a renowned crypto enthusiast and entrepreneur who has made significant contributions to the field of cybersecurity and cryptography. He is the co-founder and President of Anchorage, a digital asset platform that offers institutional custody and infrastructure services for institutional investors. Before founding Anchorage, Diogo worked as a security lead at Docker and Square, where he designed and implemented security solutions for large-scale systems. He also played a significant role in improving the security of the Linux kernel, and his research has been recognized by top-tier academic conferences and journals. Diogo holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley, where he conducted research on applied cryptography and security. He is a recognized industry expert and frequently speaks at conferences and events, sharing his insights on the latest trends and opportunities in the crypto space. Diogo is a strong advocate for decentralized systems and believes that blockchain technology can revolutionize the way we approach security and data privacy. His work at Anchorage and his contributions to the wider crypto ecosystem reflect his commitment to building a more secure and trustworthy digital economy.
Name Diogo
Last Name Monica
Location Seattle, Washington
Sweet Spot $1 (25K-250K)

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