John Zeratsky

John Zeratsky

General Partner
John Zeratsky is a co-founder of the crypto investment firm GV (formerly known as Google Ventures). He is a well-known crypto enthusiast and has been actively involved in the industry for several years. Zeratsky has spoken at numerous conferences and events about the potential of blockchain and cryptocurrency, and has written extensively on the subject. Prior to co-founding GV, Zeratsky worked at Google as a designer and writer. He is also the author of several books on product design and creativity. Zeratsky holds a degree in journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Name John
Last Name Zeratsky
Location Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Company Character
Company Overview "Character" is a company that focuses on building digital products that are easy to use and have a positive impact on people's lives. The company values simplicity, clarity, and empathy in its approach to design and development. They work with a variety of clients, from startups to established brands, and help them create digital experiences that meet the needs of their customers. Whether it's a mobile app, a website, or a piece of software, "Character" believes that good design is essential to achieving business success. They strive to create products that are not only functional but also engaging and enjoyable to use.
Sweet Spot $5 (5-1M)


Design partner GV (2011 - 2017 )
General Partner Character

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