Omri Dahan

Omri Dahan

Omri Dahan is a founder and crypto enthusiast who has over 15 years of experience in the financial technology industry. He is known for his expertise in payment processing and digital banking. Dahan currently serves as the Chief Revenue Officer at Marqeta, a payment processing platform that he co-founded in 2010. Prior to Marqeta, Dahan co-founded two other payment startups: Kobie Marketing and iCard. He is also an active advisor and investor in various fintech and crypto startups. Dahan frequently speaks at industry conferences and events, sharing his insights and knowledge on the evolving landscape of payments and digital commerce. He maintains an active presence on social media, including Twitter (@osdahan), and is also featured on Crunchbase.
Name Omri
Last Name Dahan
Location Oakland, California
Sweet Spot $25K (5K-50K)

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