Pang Yao Her

Pang Yao Her

Pang Yao Her is a crypto enthusiast and one of the co-founders of NGC Ventures, a leading blockchain investment firm. With over a decade of experience in the finance and tech industries, he has been one of the pioneers of blockchain technology adoption and investment. As a managing partner at NGC Ventures, he has been instrumental in identifying some of the most promising blockchain projects worldwide and investing in them. He has also been a vocal advocate for blockchain technology and its potential to transform various industries. Prior to co-founding NGC Ventures, he worked at leading investment firms such as Shunwei Capital and Qiming Venture Partners. Pang Yao Her is based in Singapore and holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan.
Name Pang
Last Name Yao Her
Location Singapore
Company NGC Ventures
Company Overview NGC Ventures is a venture capital firm that specializes in investing in the financial technology and blockchain sectors. Based in Singapore, the firm was founded in 2017 and is dedicated to supporting innovative and disruptive startups that have the potential to transform the industry. NGC Ventures offers its portfolio companies a broad range of resources, including mentorship, networking, and strategic partnerships, to help them achieve success. With a mission to drive growth and innovation in the blockchain ecosystem, NGC Ventures is committed to investing in projects that have a strong vision and talented team behind them.
Sweet Spot $1,5M (1-5M)
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