Rob Shavell

Rob Shavell

Rob Shavell is a venture capitalist and co-founder of Accomplice VC, an investment firm focused on early-stage technology companies. He is also a crypto enthusiast who has been actively investing in blockchain and digital currency startups. Before founding Accomplice VC, Shavell co-founded Abine, a privacy-focused startup that develops tools to help users maintain control over their personal information online. He also previously worked as a management consultant for Bain & Company and as an analyst for Goldman Sachs. Shavell is known for his expertise in cybersecurity and data privacy, and has advised companies such as Microsoft and Google on these topics. In addition to his work with Accomplice, he serves on the board of directors for several companies in the technology sector. Shavell is active on social media, particularly Twitter, where he shares his insights and opinions on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. He holds a degree from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business.
Name Rob
Last Name Shavell
Location Boston, Massachusetts
Company Accomplice VC
Company Overview Accomplice VC is a venture capital firm that was founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 2014. The company primarily invests in seed-stage, early-stage, and later-stage companies operating in the TMT, fintech, and technology sectors. The firm has a track record of partnering with innovative companies to help them achieve their growth objectives. Accomplice VC's expertise and investment strategies make it an attractive partner for companies in these industries seeking venture capital funding.
Sweet Spot $2025K (1,5M-3M)
Company Site

Rob Shavell's Investments


Partner Accomplice VC

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