Roni Gur

Roni Gur

Roni Gur is a founder and cryptocurrency enthusiast with years of experience in the technology and finance industries. Currently, he is a managing partner at Flori Ventures, a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage startups. Prior to that, he held various roles in fintech companies, including serving as the CEO of Solomoto, a digital marketing platform for small businesses. Gur is also a well-known figure in the cryptocurrency community and is actively involved in promoting and educating others about blockchain technology. He frequently writes articles and speaks at conferences about the intersection of finance and technology. You can find more information about Roni Gur on his LinkedIn, Twitter, and Crunchbase profiles, as well as on Flori Ventures' website.
Name Roni
Last Name Gur
Location Israel
Company Flori Ventures
Company Overview Flori Ventures is a venture capital investment firm that was founded in 2021 and is based in San Francisco, California. The company specializes in seed-stage investments and has a particular focus on investing in companies that operate in the financial technology and blockchain sectors. With a strong commitment to supporting innovative startups, Flori Ventures helps entrepreneurs to achieve their goals by providing them with access to capital, industry expertise, and other resources. By investing in promising startups at the earliest stages, Flori Ventures is helping to shape the future of the financial industry and blockchain technology.
Sweet Spot $1,5M (1-5M)
Company Site


Partner Flori Ventures

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