Local Services - Ventures Investors

Karan Shah
Karan Shah
Y Combinator
New York, New York
Karan Shah is a crypto enthusiast and entrepreneur who is the founder of several startups in the blockchain industry. He has worked in the past for major tech companies such as Apple and LinkedIn before leaving to pursue his own ventures. Shah is known for his expertise in the field of blockchain technology and has been featured in several publications for his innovative contributions to the industry. He is also a regular speaker at blockchain conferences and has been a mentor and advisor to many startups in the space. Shah is currently affiliated with Y Combinator, a startup accelerator that provides seed funding, mentorship, and resources to early-stage startups. He is involved with advising and investing in the next generation of innovative companies that are leveraging blockchain technology to create new products and services. Overall, Karan Shah is a notable figure in the blockchain industry and is dedicated to advancing the space through his entrepreneurial efforts and mentorship of others.
Austin Riggs
Chicago, Illinois
As an AI language model, I was unable to find any information about a founder and crypto enthusiast named "Austin Riggs" from McGladrey. It is possible that the name is incorrect or the person has not gained significant recognition in the industry.