Tony Gu

Tony Gu

Managing Partner
Tony Gu is a well-known figure in the crypto space and is the founder of both NGC Ventures and NEO Global Development. NGC Ventures is a leading blockchain investment fund based in Singapore, with investments in several renowned blockchain projects such as Oasis Labs, Algorand, and Certik. Meanwhile, NEO Global Development is a project that aims to create an open and decentralized version of the internet. Tony Gu is also actively involved in the blockchain community, speaking at various industry events and conferences like the World Blockchain Forum and Blockchain Connect. He is also known for his work in developing the NEO blockchain, which has gained popularity in recent years due to its focus on digital identity and smart contracts. As a crypto enthusiast and investor, Tony Gu is focused on identifying promising blockchain projects and supporting their growth through strategic investments and partnerships. His expertise in the field has made him a sought-after advisor and mentor for startups working on blockchain-based solutions.
Name Tony
Last Name Gu
Location Singapore
Company NGC Ventures
Company Overview NGC Ventures is a venture capital firm that specializes in investing in the financial technology and blockchain sectors. Based in Singapore, the firm was founded in 2017 and is dedicated to supporting innovative and disruptive startups that have the potential to transform the industry. NGC Ventures offers its portfolio companies a broad range of resources, including mentorship, networking, and strategic partnerships, to help them achieve success. With a mission to drive growth and innovation in the blockchain ecosystem, NGC Ventures is committed to investing in projects that have a strong vision and talented team behind them.
Sweet Spot $1,5M (1-5M)
Company Site

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