Aurelie Nicolas

Aurelie Nicolas

Aurelie Nicolas is a well-known crypto enthusiast and founder from France. She has been working in the blockchain industry for more than 7 years and has extensive knowledge in the cryptocurrency space. She founded BlockTrade Investments, a blockchain investment firm focused on decentralized finance and blockchain technology. Aurelie Nicolas is also an advisor to several blockchain startups and has spoken at numerous blockchain conferences around the world. She has also published articles on blockchain and cryptocurrency in various publications, including Forbes and Hackernoon. Aurelie Nicolas has a Master's degree in International Business and has worked in several companies across different industries before discovering her passion for blockchain and cryptocurrency. She is also an active member of the blockchain community and regularly engages with industry leaders and enthusiasts on social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn.
Name Aurelie
Last Name Nicolas
Location Paris, France
Sweet Spot $1,5M (750K-2,5M)

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