Evan Lodge

Evan Lodge

Evan Lodge is a cryptocurrency enthusiast and the founder of Orange Fund (Orange DAO), a decentralized autonomous organization focused on venture capital investments in the blockchain industry. With over a decade of experience in the finance industry, Lodge has been a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency space since 2012. He is passionate about the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize the financial world and has spoken at conferences and events on the topic. Lodge is also active on social media platforms like Twitter, where he shares insights and updates on the latest developments in the cryptocurrency market.
Name Evan
Last Name Lodge
Location San Francisco, California
Company Orange Fund (Orange DAO)
Company Overview Orange DAO is a venture capital investment firm based in the United States. The company focuses on early-stage investments in innovative and disruptive technologies. They provide seed capital and strategic guidance to startups in the blockchain, fintech, and cybersecurity sectors. Orange DAO's mission is to support entrepreneurs in bringing their visions to life and building sustainable businesses. The firm has a team of seasoned professionals with expertise in finance, technology, and entrepreneurship, enabling them to identify high-potential projects and help their portfolio companies succeed. Orange DAO has a strong network of investors and partners, which allows them to connect their portfolio companies with necessary resources for growth.
Sweet Spot $1,5M (1-5M)


Partner Orange Fund (Orange DAO)

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