Jasman Singh

Managing Partner
Jasman Singh is a crypto enthusiast and the founder of Dorm Room Fund, a student-run venture capital firm that invests in early-stage startups. Singh has a background in computer science and is passionate about blockchain technology and its potential to disrupt various industries. He has written several articles about crypto and has been quoted in publications such as Forbes and CoinDesk. Singh is also an advocate for diversity in tech and has spoken at various events on this topic. Through Dorm Room Fund, Singh has helped fund numerous startups, including companies focused on blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Name Jasman
Last Name Singh
Location Princeton, New Jersey
Company Dorm Room Fund
Company Overview Dorm Room Fund is a venture capital firm that was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The firm specializes in investing in companies in the information technology sector. It seeks to work with visionary entrepreneurs who have creative solutions for emerging technologies. The company's investment philosophy is driven by an understanding that the greatest ideas can come from the most unexpected places. As such, it provides early-stage funding to passionate founders who are building their ventures from their dorm rooms, helping them to bring their ideas to fruition. Dorm Room Fund is committed to supporting young entrepreneurs and helping them bring their dreams to life.
Sweet Spot $40K (40K-40K)
Company Site http://www.dormroomfund.com


Managing Partner Dorm Room Fund

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