Nathan Sexer

Nathan Sexer

Nathan Sexer is a crypto enthusiast and entrepreneur who is passionate about blockchain technology and its potential to transform industries. He is the founder and CEO of several cryptocurrency-related ventures, including CryptoLingo, a platform for learning about cryptocurrencies and blockchain, and Crypto Quantique, a crypto investment and trading platform. With over a decade of experience in financial services and technology, Nathan is an expert in designing and executing innovative strategies that generate value for customers and stakeholders. He has worked with top-tier banks and fintech startups across Asia, Europe, and North America, honing his skills in analytics, operations, and business development. Nathan is an active contributor to the blockchain community, supporting initiatives that promote decentralization, transparency, and privacy. He regularly speaks at conferences and events, sharing his insights on the latest trends in the crypto space. You can follow Nathan on Twitter at @NathanSexer and connect with him on LinkedIn at
Name Nathan
Last Name Sexer
Location Paris, France
Sweet Spot $10K (1K-50K)

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