Jianna Liu

Jianna Liu

Jianna Liu is a crypto enthusiast and co-founder of Dorm Room Fund, a venture capital firm that invests in student-run startups. She is also a student at the University of Pennsylvania studying computer science and finance. Liu has worked as a software engineer at several companies including Facebook, Uber, and Coinbase. Her passion for blockchain technology and its potential to transform industries inspired her to co-found Penn Blockchain Club, a student organization focused on educating and promoting cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. In her free time, she enjoys reading about new developments in the crypto space and attending blockchain conferences.
Name Jianna
Last Name Liu
Location Pleasanton, California
Company Dorm Room Fund
Company Overview Dorm Room Fund is a venture capital firm that was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The firm specializes in investing in companies in the information technology sector. It seeks to work with visionary entrepreneurs who have creative solutions for emerging technologies. The company's investment philosophy is driven by an understanding that the greatest ideas can come from the most unexpected places. As such, it provides early-stage funding to passionate founders who are building their ventures from their dorm rooms, helping them to bring their ideas to fruition. Dorm Room Fund is committed to supporting young entrepreneurs and helping them bring their dreams to life.
Sweet Spot $40K (40K-40K)
Company Site http://www.dormroomfund.com


Investor Dorm Room Fund

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