Karl Soliman

Managing Partner
Karl Soliman is a crypto enthusiast and the founder of Sustany Capital, a venture capital firm focused on investing in sustainable technology and blockchain startups. He holds a degree in Computer Science from the University of South Florida and has over a decade of experience in software development and technology consulting. Soliman is also an avid blockchain and cryptocurrency investor, having started investing in Bitcoin in 2013. He is a frequent speaker at blockchain conferences and events, and shares his insights on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies on his LinkedIn profile.
Name Karl
Last Name Soliman
Location Newport Beach, California
Company Sustany Capital
Company Overview Sustany Capital is a venture capital firm that was founded in 2018 and is based in California. The company focuses on investing in disruptive blockchain solutions that have the potential to transform various industries. They are dedicated to providing funding and support to innovative startups that are committed to using blockchain technology to create sustainable and impactful solutions. Sustany Capital's goal is to help these companies achieve their full potential by providing them with the resources they need to succeed.
Sweet Spot $1M (50K-3M)
Company Site http://www.sustany.co


Managing Partner Sustany Capital

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