Marieke Gehres

Marieke Gehres

Marieke Gehres is a crypto enthusiast and venture capitalist who works at Earlybird Venture Capital. She is one of the founders of Earlybird's Digital West Fund, which focuses on investing in startups in the digital space in the western parts of Europe. Gehres was previously an investment manager at the European Investment Fund, where she managed a portfolio of over 50 VC funds and invested in numerous startups. She also worked at McKinsey & Company as a strategy consultant. Gehres holds a MSc degree in Finance from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a BSc in Business Administration from the University of Mannheim. She is a member of the advisory board of the Blockchain Research Institute and a frequent speaker at blockchain and cryptocurrency conferences.
Name Marieke
Last Name Gehres
Location Germany
Company Earlybird Venture Capital
Company Overview Earlybird Venture Capital is a Berlin-based venture capital firm founded in 1997. The firm focuses on investing in growth-stage companies across various sectors, including consumer service, information technology, SaaS, healthtech, life science, mobile service, blockchain, fintech, real estate, legaltech, edtech, devtech, ecommerce, big data, and healthcare. Earlybird Venture Capital primarily invests in companies based in the European region.
Sweet Spot $1,5M (1-5M)
Company Site


Investor Earlybird Venture Capital

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