Paul Farhi

Paul Farhi

Paul Farhi is the founder and CEO of Farhi Fine Art, a London-based art investment firm. He is also a prominent crypto enthusiast with a keen interest in blockchain technology and its potential to revolutionize various industries. Farhi actively supports and invests in various crypto-related projects, and he is the founder of AI Tech Solidus, a blockchain-focused venture capital firm. He is a graduate of the London School of Economics and has previously worked in finance and real estate development. Farhi is an active LinkedIn user, sharing his thoughts on the latest developments in the crypto industry and how they relate to traditional finance.
Name Paul
Last Name Farhi
Education Sothebys: Art & Finance
Location London
Company Solidus AI Tech
Company Overview Solidus AI Tech is a technology company that specializes in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) software solutions. Their AI-based products are designed to help businesses automate and streamline their operations, improve customer experiences, and increase revenue. The company's team of experts uses advanced data analytics, machine learning algorithms, and natural language processing technologies to create intelligent software solutions that can solve complex business problems. Their products are highly scalable and can be customized to meet the unique needs of each client. Solidus AI Tech aims to provide industry-leading AI solutions that drive business growth and innovation.
Sweet Spot $5 (50K-1M)


Director Farhi Fine Art (2018 - Present )
Director & founder Solidus Technologies (2017 - Present )
President Solidus AI Tech

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