Alexander Newman

Alexander Newman

Venture Partner
Alexander Newman is a crypto enthusiast and founder of Alpha Square Group, a crypto trading and investment firm based in London. He has been active in the crypto industry for several years and has a strong background in finance and technology. Prior to founding Alpha Square Group, Newman worked as a trader for various financial firms, including Citigroup and Morgan Stanley. He also founded a tech startup called Streamhub, which provided social media analytics to businesses. Newman is an advocate for the adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. He has spoken at various conferences and events on the topic and has written several articles on the subject. On his LinkedIn profile, Newman describes himself as a "crypto investor, trader, strategist and advocate". He holds a degree in Economics from University College London.
Name Alexander
Last Name Newman
Location New York, New York
Company Alpha Square Group
Company Overview Alpha Square Group is a financial services company that specializes in quantitative trading strategies. The firm combines advanced mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and technology to identify and execute trades in global financial markets. Their focus is on providing innovative and quantitative investment solutions to institutional clients such as hedge funds, asset managers, and pensions funds. Alpha Square Group's team of experts has extensive experience in financial engineering, data science, and software engineering. Their goal is to deliver consistent, risk-adjusted returns through research and innovation.
Sweet Spot $2M (5-20M)


Venture Partner Alpha Square Group

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